Tropical Fruit Wines

Our Orchard
Come taste and feel the love here at the only Winery in St. Thomas.
The soil on the mountain above Charlotte Amalie is some of the most fertile in the islands.
We have over 600 trees producing some of the finest tropical fruit known to man.
That fruit becomes our wine.

Tasting Room (get buzzed room)
Our tasting room is located in downtown Charlotte Amalie. You can drink your way through our harvests by the glass or the bottle.
Our winery and tasting room is in an old, historic structure whose walls go back 200 years.
So if you want a little history with your alcohol, we’ve got you covered.

Gift Shop
Our fruits go into more than just wines. We have sauces, juices and lots of other stuff to take back home with you.
So when you need a little piece of the island, you’ll be ready.